Pinnacle Quality AWS training services now available across the UK and Europe
Pinnacle Quality AWS training services now available across the UK and Europe Pinnacle Quality has extended its Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) training provision to Europe. UK-based AWS consultant Steve Brown, technical director of Water2050, [...]
Friday 21 July 2017 Melbourne, Australia Pinnacle Quality wins Alliance Water Stewardship seal of approval Group’s sustainability expertise will support training in the AWS standard Sustainability consulting and audit company Pinnacle Quality has been approved [...]
Second Asia Pacific Rainforest Summit
The Second Asia-Pacific Rainforest Summit took place in Brunei Darussalam from the 3rd to the 5th of August 2016. It followed on from the first Summit, which was held in Sydney in November 2014. One [...]
Halal— A new perspective in marketing.
Pinnacle Quality helps companies achieve certification, principally in the sustainability area. However our capability statement also includes religious certification. Why? Simply put, this is often best addressed by integrating religious requirements into a quality systems [...]
Water Stewardship – certification and public reporting.
Water Stewardship - certification and public reporting. Where is the commercial opportunity for the services, Infrastructure and utilities sectors? Around the world there are an increasing number of certification standards that companies use to demonstrate [...]