Responsible sourcing Due diligence

There are many areas which are regulated in Australia or overseas that increasingly impact or businesses.  Conflict minerals is an example.  Currently there is no Conflict mineral legislation in Australia.  However, there is strong legislation in other countries* and there is pressure for Australia to enact equivalent legislation.

*The US, EU and the UK

Civil society organisations now argue that a further wide variety of minerals, ranging from copper, iron ore, zinc, nickel, silver and many others are also associated with conflict all around the world

Companies now routinely looking at having a responsible sourcing policy and doing due diligence on suppliers across a wide range of commodities.

Pinnacle Quality has years of experience in due diligence work across industries as diverse as water, Agricultural crops, paper, minerals, and wood. Our experts support you in putting together a responsible due diligence system that meets your needs.

Pinnacle Quality: clarifying compliance.

Contact us for a proposal to develop a stakeholder system for your company (LINK to