Chapter Seven: Special values management plan
Chapter 7: Special values management plan
Product Description
A special values management plan is a useful part of your management planning documentation that may also be specifically required in some standards.
One of the mistakes a company will make is to write an extensive plan that only applies to the certification process and is not an operational plan. Another common mistake is delivering a planning document that repeats contents in other documents. This can mean that the special values management plan quickly goes out of date — a documentation control nightmare.
Special values management planning documents must be kept simple. Use the plan as an outline. You can then point to the relevant operational documents that cover the requirements of the plan. A reference or hotlink (for online documents) will be sufficient. In this way, if a procedure or policy is changed the management plan will not be out of date; it will still reference the current procedures.
The same applies to quoting external documentation, like legislation. Don’t include extracts from current legislation because when they go out of date so does your plan. Instead create a link to the legislation or the body that controls the legislation so that the link always takes the reader to the current version.